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Whoo-hoo! I have Internet! Yah! Back on Track, Back in line.......
Monday, Sept. 02, 2002 // 3:21 A.M.

Dear Diary,



I am SO excited! I finally have my internet installed for good! I am so happy; I don't think I'll ever log off the internet again! lol I know, I know, I'm a little too excited, but you would be too if you hadn't had the internet for like 3 weeks just because you had to wait on it to be installed.....

Anyway, I have been online like 24/7 since I got on... I've already downloaded so many songs that I wanted for so long, and I'm excited cause I have such a fast speed too....

Well, tommorrow is a big day...

Tommorrow, I officially start my Low-restriction plan, and my not eating regimine. I am so ready; I can't wait for some reason.... I wanna hurry up and make the change and get into everything again. I have felt so pre-occupied lately, and I haven't really felt like I was in charge of my life and everything cause all this stuff was happening so fast, but now it has calmed down a little. It's the beginning of the third week of school and everything is getting into routine, so I am excited to get my diet "routine" in line as well.

I hope it works out okay. I'm gonna go between not eating, and sometimes restricting depending on how i feel. If i feel sick, than I'll eat and allow myself too, but just a little. No binges. We'll see how it goes; I don't wanna talk too much about my plans and all that.. I'd rather just talk about the facts and results, so I'll wait until things change and let ya know..

I'm excited cause I have my new digital scale as well, and I can weigh whenever I want, and have it be pretty acurate. Cuz I hate reading those regular scales!! I can never tell exactly where the little line it a 3 or a 4 or a 2 or what?

? But I dont have to worry about all that w/my digital scale. I am so excited to lose weight though...

I am going to see my ex-byfriend Scott at the end of September with my old roomate Kelli. We are gonna drive down to my old college from last year and visit some friends. BUT we all know I am trying to look extra-fab by then to show my ex just what hes missing although i am over him. We kinda had a bitter depart, yet we are friends. He still likes me though, i know. He wants me to come down there really bad, but he won't admit it. He keeps asking me if/when i am coming.... I wanna lose weight for myself though cuz i dont want anyone to think it is for him or anything cuz its so not; thats just a perk... ;)

Anyway, i have lost a few lbs restricting lately, but I am looking forward to going hardcore now, and to get back into my whole ana thing seriously. I know the internet is not that important, but it really threw me for a loop not being able to read everyone's entries, browse the thin page, and write in here, etc, etc.... It just screwed up my whole routine, and made me get out of that mindset which was so annoying and counter-productive! I'm just happy to be able to get back on track for everything...and I'll be updating a lot more from now on.... I guess I'll try and read a lot of everyones diaries tommorrow since its Labor Day and I have nada planned.... Well, wish me luck~ Good night!

The WeatherPixie


I�m finding out that cheating gets it faster