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My Plan, Internet Hopeful & Doing My Good DD-deed for the week!
Saturday, Aug. 31, 2002 // 12:17 A.M.

Dear Diary,

Hi Again,

I am still w/o internet, but I am getting it this hopefully I'll be able to update more reliably by then.

Right now, I am the only person in my aprtmnt cause I opted to be the official DD tonight while everyone else gets piss drunk and laden w/ Well, actually, I would've gone, but they were all going different places and mostly to sucky places where I knew I wouldn't have fun, and plus tommorrow is Game Day and we are tailgaiting before the game and going to Pre-Bash parties so I know I'll drink tommorrow. One good day full of loaded cals is better than 2 full days of it, right?!? So, I'm just chilling at home enjoying my alone time and the silence. hehe , I know the silence is going to be ruined in a few hours though--when like 10 drunk people come barreling in....

Oh, well--

So, Sunday, I am officially starting a stricter diet...very stric during the week, and then just a little more relaxed on the weekend. I know I'll wanna drink on the weekends, so I'll allow myself that, but I have to go work out at least some to get rid of some of the useless calories for those nights... I know it won't be an extremely fast plan, but hopefully it'll be slow, but effective. I'm really ready to do it though cause I am SO busy 24/7 these days and I'm also about to start a work study job which is gonna fill in any small extra time I might have had, so I'm always gonna be No Time To Eat! hehe

I just hope i don't start feeling too ill. I'll just eat an apple or something if i feel a little light-headed on some days.

I know that not exercising and restricing can make you lose fat AND muscle, but i don't care. I just wanna lose Weight any way it goes away! BUT, I am also gonna be exercising on the weekends, and I walk a ton around campus everyday, so hopefully that'll help me keep toned enough w/o being flabbish even when i lose weight. I have to walk up and down hills to class, and I think it's a pretty good short workout just walking around.

Well, good luck to everyone, and hopefully next time I write (prob Sunday) I will have DSL and I'll be writing about how much fun I had at the game.....

Well, gotta get ready to go pick up some drunkards, ttyl~

The WeatherPixie


I�m finding out that cheating gets it faster