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Diet still going strong
Wednesday, Jul. 03, 2002 // 8:30 P.M.

Dear Diary,

OK, so my previous entry was just about Scott and the phone call last night. But as for the rest of things: I did the diet well today. I could only eat fruit for lunch so I pigged out on some strawberries. I�ve been trying to drink a gallon of water daily, but it is so damn hard! I always have a little left, and I have to pee ALL the time!! I keep pouring myself this huge cup of water, and I set small goals just to drink the big cup, and then I get another. So far it is working. I drank a gallon yesterday, and I am still working on doing it again today. I think I should try harder to do it because drinking a ton of water probably helps the weight-loss not be water-weight ya know. Anyway, tomorrow is the 4th. I am going to still do the diet though. Ugh�I wish I could just dive into the chocolate ice cream we have in the fridge though. I haven�t had any chocolate or sugar in 5 days�it�s driving me nuts. Maybe I am going through sugar withdrawal or something. Haha�If this diet doesn�t work, I am gonna seriously think about the girl on the Thin Forum who suggested the totally ice cream diet�lol I wish! I do want the diet to work though. Ugh..and also my mom has to get that doctor to translate the rest of the diet for the following weeks. But, I know he�ll forget to do it by Friday since tomorrow is the 4th!! Then I�ll be screwed for the weekend diet. My mom says to just start the diet over, but what if it�s not supposed to work like that?!!! I don�t know what I am gonna do, I wish she would�ve asked for it sooner!!! Well, at least I�ll find out if it�s working by Saturday. I hope it is. Running an hour EVERY day on the treadmill gets kinda boring and hard to do all at once. I end up doing it real late at night cause I put it off for so long during the day. Oh, yeah and speaking of physical fitness and well-being, I have decided to grow out my fingernails as best possible. My bf (who also was a slave to nail-biting for yrs.) grew hers out and showed them to me the other day. They looked so good! So, if she can do it, then maybe I should try. I have never actually TrIeD to grow them out really, so maybe they will grow, and look as good as hers.

Also, my birthday is coming up on July 16�!!! Yah! I need to give my birthday list to my mom soon!!! Every year, I ask for colored contacts and I never get I don�t know why I want them, but I always thought they would be cool. Plus, you can get them at Wal-mart or something like that for pretty cheap.

Ahhhh!!! I fucking hate that! My damn computer just got cut off and Microsoft word only saved part of my entry! Ick, well anyway all I said was some other crap about my diet and how I really hope no terrorist acts go on tomorrow on the 4th. That was about it, and now I am so frustrated and pissed off about my stupid computer that I better go so I don�t spout of anymore anger and cuss words! :P

The WeatherPixie


I�m finding out that cheating gets it faster