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Restricting Still.........
Wednesday, Jun. 19, 2002 // 7:44 P.M.

Dear Diary,

Well, today I did great! This is what I ate..

FrostedFlakesCereal&Milk-195 cal

A donut(couldn't resist) 210 cal

4 strawberrys about 40 cal

5 saltine crackers 70 cal

Sugar-free Jello 40 cal


TOTAL= 555


I exercised today a bunch, probably because I felt bad about the donut that morning.

I ran/walked for 46 minutes, and burned 355 calories.

So, for the day I only have..

Grand TOTAL= 200 calories!!

Thats great! It is kinda low though, but i don't feel bad or anything. Plus, I DID eat today; I just exercised some of it off. I am happy with how things are going so far. I think it is good because I am not denying myself some of the foods i like. I Can eat those foods, but it means I'll have to not each much else the rest of the day or exercise it off like I did today. So far, so good, but i hate to say much about progress cause I'm afraid something bad will happen like (me give up) But I am not hungry ever, and I am still eating things I like, so I think this plan is much better.

Well, I might write more later about whats going on in my life. My dad came home with a foul mood, and he made the rest of the family upset at dinner.(big surprise) Glad I wasn't around..But, he'll probably be mad at me I'm gonna get off the internet cause he always says I'm on it too much.... Plus, Dawson's Creek is about to come on in a minute, and it's not a re-run for once...

The WeatherPixie


I�m finding out that cheating gets it faster