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Friday, Feb. 22, 2002 // 9:00 P.M.

Dear Diary,

------Hey, i know i haven't written in a while, but i have great news!! I am at the end of DAY 3 of my fast, nothing but water, and a few pieces of 5 cal. gum in the past days!! I am doing fine, the desire for food is still there if i think or look at food, but I am not hungry at all. I didn't get sick this time...after the last post i got sick on the morning of Day 3---(really sick) I missed class and work because i was so incredibly weak, i felt nauseaous walking 3 feet! I felt terrible, and by the end of the day, i knew i couldn't stay in bed all day cause i had stuff to do, so i ate some soup, and then it kinda turned into a binge, but i felt better withing 30 minutes of eating so i know that was what it was. I was afraid that would happen this time, but I woke up today feeling fine and i am still going strong!! I just wanna get past Day 5 and i will be fine!! I have already lost 6 lbs., so I am excited about the next couple of days, my pants fit better, and I feel a lot better,being able to breathe and feel light. It's cool.....I am looking forward to the time when i will eat though, but right now, i am just avoiding all food and such....Wish me Luck!!! I am so excited that I have gone this long OK...I know i can do it!!

The WeatherPixie


I�m finding out that cheating gets it faster