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Monday--Starting The Week Of Right-& more
Monday, Sept. 16, 2002 // 4:42 P.M.

Dear Diary,

1st Day back with Fasting.

So far, so good.

Water, vitamins, diet coke.

Don't plan on eating anything...

Although, I think we are going out Thursday instead of Friday or Saturday, so I guess I'll just have to adjust accordingly, but that'll be good cause we might only go out once this week, which gives me the rest of the weekend to be good on my diet plan. Yah!

I might write back later, but right now I am thinking about taking a nap. -------------------------------------
Later on:::: OhMiGosh...I just freaked the fuck out about nothing!!

A friend of mine has a diary on here, and she wrote something in there about me, although she has no idea I am ana, or that I have a diary on her.

This is what she had written in her diary: "You know ever since i got this diary I reliezed that a lot of people have one. They are cool to read! I have alos noticed that I have made Links (Leigh!);P "

So, I was freaking out trying to figure out what she was talking about dealing with links. I was afraid she had somehow linked to my diary or something, or did a search for something about me to find my diary and was upset i.e.(Leigh!) I was totally freaking out, and then I was like ohmigosh.....My PIC is in my ABOUT ME section. Then I was totally for sure that she had seen my diary, and was like all upset and probably telling everyone about it!! Theres no denying a picture of you. And I'm not sure if she knows my Diaryland name etc. cuz it's the same as my other email. I was totally freaking out!!! I thought for sure she had seen that I had a diary and was disappointed at me etc...

But it turns out, I had linked her diary on my AIM buddy list and THATS what she was talking about!! I was so relieved, but still kinda worried. I had already deleted my pic from The ALL ABOUT ME section, so it's not in there right now. I don't know if I'm gonna fix it all back up or not. I don't need this happening again! I am so relieved though! Whew!! She would be so mad at me cuz she doesn't know a thing about the ana thing! Oh, well, crisis averted.... NOW I am going to take my nap!

The WeatherPixie


I�m finding out that cheating gets it faster